Jira Automation: Find the smart value for a field to build complex automation rules


Find Smart Values YouTube Card.png

In this tutorial, we share 3 simple steps on how to find the right smart value syntax for any custom field in your ticket to create complex automation rules.  

Step 1: Identify which information you would like to capture

  • Identify a specific field you want to capture.  In this example, it;s the Time to Resolution's SLA Breach Date and Time:


Step 2: View the JSON representation of your issue

  • Use the following URL to view the JSON representation of your issue: https://<yourinstanceurl>/rest/api/2/issue/<issuekey>?expand=names (Consider downloading an extension or tool to format your JSON data so that it’s easier to read.)
  • Navigate to the field value you want to display in your rule 

  • Determine the hierarchy required to get the value you need


  • Smart Value: {{issue.customfield_10033.ongoingCycle.breachTime.friendly}}

Step 3: Validate with the Log Action

  • Use the manual trigger with the Log action to print the smart value


  • Execute the rule and go to the audit log


Below is the full video tutorial:




Bill Sheboy
Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
June 15, 2023

These steps are also described here in the documentation for automation rules: 

Cloud: https://support.atlassian.com/cloud-automation/docs/find-the-smart-value-for-a-field/
Server/Data Center: https://confluence.atlassian.com/automation/find-the-smart-value-for-a-field-993924665.html

Also of note: smart values are context, name, spacing, and case-sensitive.  When a smart value does not work as expected, it may just be a typo (or wrong place in the structure) and so the above documentation can help confirm/exclude that possibility.

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Kalin U
Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
June 20, 2023

Hey, @Fabian Lim Thanks for making your tutorial so visual. It'll definitely help others too.

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TD March 19, 2024

@Fabian Lim this is a great and useful tutorial but is there a way to find the custom field smart value name without having to create a ticket first to find it?

I'm setting up my organization's Jira ticketing system and I would like to not have to create a ticket just to find every custom field smart value.



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