Edit rules without becoming the rule actor

Hello Community!  ðŸ‘‹

Today we've released a minor permission change in Automation affecting Project/Space admins (not Global admins) and we want to keep you up to date! 


The permission change

Global administrators in Automation have always been able to edit rules, even when the rule-actor is someone else. However up until now, if you were a Project/Space admin with edit privileges, you couldn't edit basic fields like name and description unless you also set the rule-actor to be yourself. You would see a warning like this:




From now on, you can happily make those simple edits to your rules without needing to become the rule-actor, which should help with your team collaboration.


What's the same?

As always, you can set your rule access to "Private" if you want to prevent others from making even basic edits. And we also haven't made any changes to who you can set the rule-actor to.


Coming soon

We'll be making some more permission simplifications to our recently launched Automation for Confluence product in the coming weeks.

Thanks for reading, and thank you for your continued support in helping us make our products better!


Tobias H
Rising Star
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February 22, 2023

This seems like great news! Happy to see QoL improvements 🥳

On a semi-related note: Would it be possible to put the Conditions on WHEN an automation runs to be tied into with the first "When" condition? OR Add an Actor group for Agents/Roles within the project OR even better, let us create Actor groups by ourselves.

An example of the issue I have:

I have an automation that generates error message as soon as a customer replies, because the When condition is set to "All comments". Right below there is a IF condition that if the actor is an Agent (member of JSM user group + Service Desk Team role inside of project) then assign the issue to User who triggered event.

In a perfect world, the rule wouldn't even trigger if the actor wasn't a part of the specified IF conditions, so I could keep the error log to email me when an issue arises, but as that isn't the case I need to turn of the error message and just live with the automation misfiring every other comment 😅

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John Funk
Community Leader
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February 23, 2023

Certainly good news - thanks for the update!


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