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trial migration of one project to 10 user cloud instance

Mike Ballinger February 18, 2022

I would like to perform a trial migration of one project to 10 user (internal to Jira) cloud instance to explore.

We have 1200+ user (under Active Directory) DC instance 120 projects and NO exposer to internet.

I am most worried about 120 custom fields which are heavily used in SIL automation.

Initially I will not be able to expose the DC to the internet.

Any idea if this is possible or am I dreaming.

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Hana Kučerová
Community Leader
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February 20, 2022

Hi @Mike Ballinger ,

there are three main ways, how to handle the migration.

1) With the usage of Jira cloud migration assistant (JCMA), where you can migrate only some of the projects (you have the possibility to choose what you want to migrate). But this approach requires to be able to connect to the cloud site directly.

2) Site import - in general you export the data from DC and import it to the cloud site. But this way you migrate all the Jira data at once.

You can also do combination of both (for example, do the export of Jira from DC, import it to another DC instance, which is exposed to internet, and use JCMA to migrate only one project).

3) There's also the possibility to use CSV import.

As you want to only test Jira Cloud, maybe the third option will be the best for you right now - to migrate some basic data and see, how the cloud is working.

Mike Ballinger February 22, 2022

Thanks for your input - looks like I should explore option 1 - is there a specific IP I can open up or do I have to open a DC instance open to the world.

Mike Ballinger February 22, 2022

Can we configure a reverse proxy - does JCMA work with reverse proxy - thanks

Jimmy Van
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
February 22, 2022

Hi @Mike Ballinger ,

In addition to what Hana has mentioned

You'll need to open your instance to a few FQDNs as documented at Preparing your firewall to migrate using the Jira Cloud Migration Assistant . We don't list IPs that these map to as these are subject to change.

If you must use IPs, check out You will find it's a lengthy list. Check out IP addresses and domains for Atlassian cloud products for the corresponding documentation. There's a section at the bottom for CMAs (Cloud Migration Assistants) too.

With respect to a proxy, you can configure a forward proxy using the following KB - Configure an outbound proxy for use in Jira server . Please ensure that you add the -Dhttp.nonProxyHosts argument otherwise you won't be able to login after applying the JVM arguments.

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