What are customers most concerned about before moving to cloud?

As a Cloud Migration Manager at Atlassian, I’ve worked with several customers and would love to provide some common themes customers share regarding their concerns before moving to cloud.

1- Cost- Businesses want to make sure that moving to the cloud makes absolute sense in terms of cost saving and TCO. To ensure the organization gets the buy in and sign off from the executives the financial impact must to assessed.

2- Security - This is extremely important to all organizations, there’s a lot at stake if an organization’s data is breached regarding a company’s reputation and ease of business continuity. Some businesses think that their on-prem infrastructure is bulletproof and moving to the cloud introduces higher risk (which is a myth). With that said most CIO’s and CTO's want their organizations to be innovative and they’re letting go of the mindset of having to own the infrastructure.

3- Change- Let’s be honest here, most people don’t like change unless they have to! Most organizations wonder what would the user experience be? Is this the right decision? How is the team expertise going to make a shift?

4- SLA’s - Customer want a very reliable uptime rate, by the end of the any downtime means lost money! and for businesses to remain profitable they have to ensure business continuity.

5- Time- How long is this project going to take end to end?  Migrations that are started with a clearly defined, well-researched, and coherent strategy are destined to succeed and provide the customer with an insight on how long and how much effort is required for the migration to be completed.




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