New options to manage Confluence migrations

With Server EOL fast approaching, we’re continuing to invest in making migrations as easy as possible for our customers. One place we’ve invested a lot is in our migration tooling to help you confidently, quickly and reliably move your data from server or DC to cloud.

With the growing set of customers migrating to the cloud, we understand the need for customers to try out various strategies that offer more flexibility in the migration journey.

An essential part of the migration process is having the ability to modify your migration plans, which means having the option to edit, copy, archive and restore, and delete a migration. These functionalities enable flexibility in how you want to structure your migration plans enabling you to work through your migration plan better.

Starting Confluence Cloud Migration Assistant 3.4.5 release, you will be able to use these options to better manage your Confluence migrations.

Here is how each new feature option can help you during migration.

Copy allows you to migrate the same spaces to a different site. A sample scenario could be one where a test migration has been successfully completed, and you wish to migrate the same plan to a production cloud site. Saved, complete, incomplete, and failed plans - all of them can be copied. Another sample scenario could be where in case your migration ran into an issue, you could fix it and quickly copy the old migration saving you time and effort in creating the migration plan.

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From the migration dashboard, you will find a Copy option in the dropdown menu.

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After copying, you will find a new plan created with 'Copied - ' appended to the name. 


Edit allows you to return to a saved plan and change selected options. An example is a scenario where a wrong space has been included in the saved plan. However, you can only edit a saved plan.

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After clicking on edit, you are redirected to the Connect to your cloud site screen where you can change the migration plan name and destination site, and data for migration in the subsequent screens.


Archive allows you to remove a complete, incomplete, or failed plan from the migration dashboard. Archived plans are not permanently removed and will be available to see when you toggle a switch to show or hide the archived migrations.

Restore allows you to reverse the archive action.

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From the migration dashboard, you will also find the Archive option in the dropdown menu.

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After selecting Archive, all the archived migrations can be seen under a separate dropdown on top as shown in the image. 

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In the archived migrations section, you will have the option to restore any migration that you might have previously archived.


Finally, Delete allows you to remove a saved plan from the migration dashboard permanently.Screenshot 2023-04-03 at 3.48.34 PM.png

From the migration dashboard, you will find the Delete option also in the dropdown menu for all saved plans.


What if I have already migrated some data to the cloud using an older version of CCMA?

Even if you have already migrated to the cloud using some older version of the CMA tooling, you should be able to access these options on upgrade.

What's next?

We’re not stopping at Confluence. If you’re also looking to migrate Jira, we’re planning to add this feature to the Jira Cloud Migration Assistant soon.

More information and support

If you have feedback or questions about this feature, let us know in the comments.
We also have a number of channels available to help you with your migration.



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