Look to the sky! Which cloud are you?


There are only about 5 quarters left before End of Server support (EOS), so if you haven’t already, it’s time to get your head in the Cloud. As we support you on your path to discovering all there is to love about Atlassian Cloud, we’re having some fun with it too: by pulling the original clouds (yep, the ones in the sky!) along on this journey with us.

First, we asked you to put cloud on your speakers. Then, we challenged you to test your cloud trivia. Now, we’re here with a new question: If your team was a cloud, which cloud would you be? Take the quiz below to find out.

We know that when you set out on a new project like a migration, it can be helpful to hear from those who have been there before. So when you take the quiz, you’ll also see the story of an Atlassian customer who had similar requirements or reasons for moving to Cloud. All part of our Summer of Customer Love!

So, without further ado, are you an altostratus cloud, a stratus cloud, a high cirrus cloud, a fractus cloud, a cumulus cloud, or a cirrocumulus cloud? Let us know in the comments below and use the "share results" button at the end of the quiz to share your cloud lookalike!

And once you’ve taken this quiz, we’ve got another one for you: a quick 3 minute assessment that will give you a personalized recommendation on when to start your Cloud journey and which Cloud edition might be right for you, depending on your requirements.



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Ollie Guan
Community Leader
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August 17, 2022



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Dave Liao
Community Leader
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Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
August 21, 2022

I'm also a cirrocumulus cloud! ☁️... most days. 🙃

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