Jira Core (server) is Jira Work Management (cloud)?

July 6, 2021

From the jira-pre-migration-checklist: https://support.atlassian.com/migration/docs/jira-pre-migration-checklist/#14.-Prepare-your-cloud-site-

Your cloud site must have the same Jira products enabled as your server site, excluding Jira Service Management (formerly Jira Service Desk). For example, if you have Jira Core and Jira Software on your server site, you need both on your cloud site, even if you’re not migrating Jira Core projects

We have Jira Core on our server. Can Atlassian confirm that Jira Core is now Jira Work Management in the cloud and that we need this subscription in order to migrate? 

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Mikael Sandberg
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July 6, 2021

Yes, Jira Work Management is the new name for Jira Core, you can check out this FAQ that Atlassian created when they announced the name change, https://community.atlassian.com/t5/Jira-Work-Management-Articles/Jira-Work-Management-FAQ/ba-p/1627315

July 6, 2021

Hi, from the FAQ and comments...

Do I have to pay separately for Jira Work Management?
For now, any licensed Jira user has access to Jira Work Management projects and features once enabled for your organization’s instance. Creating a Business project while using Jira Software or Jira Service Management means you are creating a Jira Work Management project.

Cindy Chan Apr 28, 2021
From what I read, our license for Jira software enables me to to use JWM without additional license purchase. Is this a right assumption?

Chase Wilson ATLASSIAN TEAM Apr 30, 2021
@Cindy Chan that is correct, right now you are able to use JWM without additional licenses!

and later...

The good news is that your Jira Software licenses allow you to create Business projects (which are the manifestation of Jira Work Management).

It sounds like a Jira Work Management license is not required if we have a Jira Software license, does this mean the migration will work if we have Jira Core and Jira Software on the server and just Jira Software in the cloud?

Mikael Sandberg
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July 6, 2021

Yes, if you have Jira Software Cloud you will also have access to Jira Work Management. You can easily check that by creating a new project, the first screen should show you a list of different project templates similar to this:

Screen Shot 2021-07-06 at 1.53.18 PM.png

July 18, 2021


I've just tried to run my first test migration and it failed with:

139:Groups contain permissions for products that do not exist on your cloud site. Enable Jira Work Management in your cloud site and try again.

I thought I didn't need a Jira Work Management as we already have a subscription to Jira Software? Our Jira Software subscription is currently on trial as we only activated the Standard plan.

I added Jira Work Management to my subscriptions, but it looks like it will bill me the extra subscription amount if I add more than 10 users.

Do I need to add the extra Jira Work Management subscription as the migration instructs? Will I be billed extra for this subscription even though the indications were this wasn't necessary?

Gaurav Arora
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April 22, 2022


Did you find any solution for this? If yes, please share.

May 12, 2022

If I recall I didn't specifically subscribe to Jira Work Management and the migration went through fine. It does appear under my subscriptions, but under a free plan.

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