These days, we spend a lot of time talking about cloud - Atlassian Cloud, that is. And it makes sense: support for Atlassian Server products will end on February 15, 2024 and a migration to Cloud can take longer than you think. The sooner you start planning for your team’s next steps and exploring the differences between Cloud and Data Center, the better.
It’s time to get your head in the Cloud, so we’re giving you a more literal way to start your cloud journey - by paying respect to the clouds that came first. The white, fluffy ones in the sky, that is! Today’s the day to get cirrus and test your cloud trivia chops.
Here are the ground rules:
Update: Winners have been drawn and the giveaway is now closed.
Test your cloud knowledge by taking the quiz below.
Comment below with the number you got right and you’ll be entered to win one of 5 Cloudie plushies! (a stuffed animal that’s quickly becoming our official migrations mascot, plus some socks and pins). Winners will be drawn August 24, 2022.
Get a bonus entry for the giveaway if you: post a photo below of the clouds outside of your workspace or add to our game by sharing a trivia fact of your own!
And with that: Good luck! We highly recommend listening to this Spotify playlist as you go for some extra cloud-spiration.
(P.S. When you’re finished with the trivia quiz, we recommend this quiz next!)
Elizabeth Howden