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Is it not possible to migrate Jira projects with no notification scheme to Cloud?

Bo Bøgvald July 5, 2022

When I try out the migration of Jira Software from Server to Cloud, I do get the following kind of error for a lot of projects:

"2022-07-05 09:02:43.146590 ERROR TX project-export We couldn't export Project TX. Reason: java.lang.NullPointerException: notificationSchemeManager.defaultSchemeObject must not be null."

As the error indicates, the projects have no Notification Scheme assigned. In the Server UI, this seems fully acceptable as "There are currently no notifications for this project." is shown in the Notifications settings for the projects.

Anyone knows how to handle? Do I need to manually assign a dummy notification scheme to all the projects?


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Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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July 5, 2022

This is an odd one - the UI does not allow you to have projects with no notification scheme.  Even if you delete an active one, associated with a project (which it tries to stop you doing), it'll set it back to "default".

But, yes, if you do somehow end up with a project with no notification scheme, then yes, it'll warn you that "no one gets notified here" (because it can't read something that isn't there), and no, you can't migrate it to Cloud, because the Cloud import also expects there to be a scheme associated.

Yes, you will need to fix the broken projects.  It's fine to associate any scheme, but I would probably create a dedicated one that says "no one" for every event, and hence doesn't start sending email you weren't expecting after migration.

Bo Bøgvald July 5, 2022

Hi Nic

We have many projects with no notification scheme. They look like this:

Project Settings (main screen):

2022-07-06 08_05_48-Project Architecture - Jira.png

In Project Settings (Notifications):

2022-07-06 08_06_40-Project Architecture - Notifications - Jira.png

So, it seems all fine in the UI.

But I guess you are right, there's probably no way around manually assigning a dummy notification scheme to these projects.

Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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July 6, 2022

That display does not say that there is no notification scheme.  It just means that the scheme says to notify no-one.

Click on "actions" and change the scheme.

Bo Bøgvald July 6, 2022

Well, the scheme says "None", right? And I have no scheme names "None".

When I go to Actions, it still mention "None" as scheme, and I am perfectly able to use the pull down to select "None" and press "Associate":

2022-07-06 09_42_46-Select Notification Scheme - Jira.png


At least, that's within my understand of it being supported in the UI. You are obviously welcome to have another definition.  The result seems to be the same. Manual assignment of dummy notification scheme to all project without scheme.

Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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July 6, 2022

Hmm.  Are you on a very new version of Jira?  Not that it really matters for the answer, it's just that "no notification scheme" is not possible on the Jira servers I'm currently admin of.  So I'm just curious as to when I missed that change (not that I look at notifications much, I tend to pare them back to very quiet and forget about them)

I'm afraid Cloud does not allow for no notification schemes, you're going to have to set one for all your projects before exporting.

Bo Bøgvald July 26, 2022

Hi Nic, just got back from vacation, so late reply:

We are on 8.11.1. I took the time to manually assign a dummy notification scheme to all projects with no notification scheme, and thus got further with testing the migration. Now working through issues with migrating the Xray app... 

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