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How do i reset jira and confluence site for migration tests

Erik Mathijs February 8, 2022

When i want to do a migration test after a first migration, i want to delete all data and configurations in my cloud trial for jira / confluence , but keep my installed apps.

How can i delete all the data and configurations at once ?


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Tom Lister
Community Leader
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February 8, 2022

Hi @Erik Mathijs 

You will need to request that Atlassian do this for you. Either through support or your assigned migration success manager ( create a MOVE ticket with Atlassian to get into their migration support)

I spin up 30 day trials to perform testing and just let the expire and start a new one when necessary.

Erik Mathijs February 8, 2022

Hi @Tom Lister ,

Thanks for your response.

So if i ask for a reset through support, they delete all data and my apps ?

I have some extended free trials for my apps (example 6 months free trial for a app), clearing the data from my cloud trial will also clear my extended free app trials ?

Kind regards,


Tom Lister
Community Leader
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Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
February 8, 2022

Hi @Erik Mathijs 

I believe so but if you are using the same URL your trials will still be valid. Check with the vendor.

A quick and dirty you can try if you intend to trash the cloud server anyway is to create a test server with nothing except initial config use that to do a lift & shift migration into the server. That will replace all data during import.

Some other options here:

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