Early Access Program: monitor migrations from the Admin hub

Hi Admins and Migration Experts!

Another migration-related capability is ready for early access: a dashboard showing migrations incoming to your cloud organization, accessible from admin.atlassian.com.

It lets you view and monitor your Jira and Confluence migrations from a single place. You can use it to view the details of source and destination environments, and check what exactly was migrated and where to.


It can help you inspect all your incoming migrations, which comes in handy if you migrate in phases or run more than one migration project within your organization.

Learn more about this early access feature

Join the EAP

You can request to join the EAP using the following form. We’ll need an Org ID of the organization you wish to enable the feature for.

Request to join the EAP

Share feedback

We’re really looking forward to hear your feedback so we can improve this feature based on your needs. We’ll get our best people to review it. You can leave your feedback as a comment on your Early Access Program sign-up request or in the comments below.




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