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Bulk entity property REST API

Alina Cucean
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March 2, 2022

Hello dear community,


I implemented a migration for our sever and cloud apps to support issue entity properties migration.

Everything works fine: the server entity properties data is fetched from the cloud app, the server app is showing the migration status sent from the cloud app.

On cloud: I get the entity properties data, getting the mapping ids and trying to add them to the cloud entity properties using the REST API "/rest/atlassian-connect/1/migration/properties/IssueProperty" with account id and transfer id headers and request body: [{entityId: theCloudIssueMappedId, key: issueProperty, value: {}}].

I see the logs from cloud app with success PUT /rest/atlassian-connect/1/migration/properties/IssueProperty.

I waited for an hour and the issue properties (3) still do not exists.

Do you think I might be missing something from the implemented processes?


Thank you very much for your time!


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