Bridging the Clouds: Unleashing the Power of Atlassian's Cloud to Cloud Migration Tools

Have you ever wondered, "What should I do if I need to change my Atlassian cloud footprint after I've finished migrating?" or struggled with the complexities of migrating data from one cloud site to another?

Well I have. I’m Swarna Mehta, a Sr. Product Manager responsible for building the products and features that allow you to take control over how your data is structured even after it’s been migrated to cloud. Over the next few weeks, you’ll be hearing more from me in a series of community posts on this topic where I’ll be talking about our cloud-to-cloud migration capabilities and what problems they can solve for you. We’ll cover topics such as:

  • What a cloud to cloud migration entails.

  • Real customer stories highlighting how Cloud to Cloud resolves actual business challenges.

  • The initial steps you can take to explore and leverage our cloud-to-cloud capabilities today.

  • And finally, what lies ahead in the future of cloud to cloud.

by the end of this series, I'm confident that you'll agree with me that our cloud-to-cloud capabilities not only allow you to move your data in the cloud but also unlock opportunities for you to directly drive value for your organization.

But, let's kick off our journey today by talking about some common challenges encountered by many of you. In the rapidly evolving landscape of today, technology must be adaptable to support organizations and teams amidst continual change. Events like mergers, acquisitions, spin-offs, or reorganizations - all have an impact on how teams function. Which means you need products that support your business endeavors, not hinder them. Operating on Server or Data Center, you had unfettered access to your data; however, this also meant bearing responsibility for maintenance, upgrades, etc. Moving to the cloud eliminated these concerns but restricted your access to the raw data and in-turn ability to manipulate and move that data

So to ensure you can confidently migrate your data between cloud sites; we’ve developed cloud-to-cloud tooling. Previously migrating from one cloud site to another involved a cumbersome reverse migration process – requiring extraction of your cloud site, migrating that extraction to Data Center, making necessary adjustments such as combining sites, and then re-migrating them to cloud using our 'Cloud Migration Assistants' - not an ideal experience.

With our cloud to cloud tooling, found in the AdminHub, you can seamlessly migrate your core product data between different cloud sites without any cumbersome intermediary steps.

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Which means you can more easily:

  • Manage your scale by optimizing site performance through splitting larger non-performing sites into smaller ones.

  • Organize sites by aligning them with regions or organizational structures.

  • Reduce application costs by federating sites based on app usage needs.

  • And much more!

But don’t just take our word for it tune in next week for our second post where we’ll be taking you through a real customer story that leveraged our cloud to cloud tools to make a difference for their organization.



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John Funk
Community Leader
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Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
April 7, 2024

Hi @Swarna Mehta  - thanks for this series of posts that are coming. We have been using the Revyz Configuration Manager for Jira app as well to do this type of migration and have lots of business cases for future use. 

However, there are several issues related to the migrations which I hope can be worked out. Should I post those here? (long list) Or would you like to receive them in another manner? 

Thanks again for all of your hard work on this!

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Branimir Kain
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
April 8, 2024

@John Funk if it's a longer list feel free to send an email over to us at and

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John Funk
Community Leader
Community Leader
Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
April 9, 2024

Email sent!

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