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Changing un-managed users to managed user accounts

Betsy Edson April 5, 2024

We currently use SSO to manage Atlassian access for our FTE's that are on our domain.  We have several other user accounts that are NOT on our domain and just log in with an Atlassian account tied to their email address.  Some of these users will eventually be added to our company and obtain email addresses and company domain accounts.  I'd like to be able to "convert" their existing Atlassian account to a managed account using the new email address.  I recently did this with Slack and the process was:

1. Create an AD account for the user
2. Update Slack account to use the new domain email address 
3. Add the user's AD account to the appropriate AD Group
4. Generate a binding email via Slack - and the user clicked the link to complete the process

I understand that Slack is obviously not an Atlassian product, but I'm curious if Atlassian has a similar process.  Here is an example to illustrate what I'm looking to do:

- Our domain:
- All SSO users have an email and are part of the Atlassian AD User Group
- Atlassian User has an atlassian account with access to several products/projects
- jdoe starts to work full time for abccompany and now has an AD account and email address of is the same person as and I want them to now log in using SSO and their email address.  I don't want to lose any of their current work history.

Is this possible?

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Rebekka Heilmann _viadee_
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April 8, 2024

Hi @Betsy Edson 

it depends on whether the old Email-Adress/Account is managed or not. Assuming they are just using a random Email-Adress, they can change their Email in the Atlassian Account settings: Change Atlassian account email addresses | Atlassian Cloud | Atlassian Documentation

1. Create an AD account for the user
2. Update Atlassian account to use the new domain email address (-> The user will need to verify the new Email adress by clicking on a link sent to the new adress)
3. Add the user's AD account to the appropriate AD Group that is synched to Atlassian -> that should automatically add the User to your Org and claim the Account


Betsy Edson April 9, 2024

Awesome!  Exactly what we want to do.  Thank you!!

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