Hi there, Community members worldwide!
I wanted to give you a heads up about an upcoming event we are hosting with a panel of cloud migrations experts from this Community. (We'll announce who these superstars are closer to the event). Sign up here.
The event will take place live on January 20th from 9AM - 10AM PST. Our Cloud Migrations Team will be in conversation with them for the first part of the event, and then you'll have the opportunity to ask all of your questions to the experts.
Every attendee will be entered to win a Cloudie*, so the odds are that you'll walk away from the event with new knowledge and possibility some swag!
*What is a Cloudie, you ask? Only the most coveted piece of cloud-related swag out there, beloved by pets, humans, and babies alike. Here's proof:
Content Manager
Truckee, CA
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