Atlassian Analytics September Office Hours Recap

Office hour sessions were held again last week and our team appreciated hearing your questions on Atlassian Analytics and Atlassian Data Lake! Thanks again to those who were able to join and share your feedback. We hope you found these sessions valuable and were able to learn more about how to take advantage of Analytics within your organizations.

At the sessions, we talked about a few new features that were recently released. Check out the following links to learn more.

Below, we’ve also listed some of the questions and answers that came up during this month’s office hours.


Q: Can a user have guest access in Atlassian Analytics to only view dashboards?

A: Atlassian Analytics requires users to be granted product permission to Analytics to be able to view dashboards. If you prefer an open permissions model because the data is not sensitive, you can open up your dashboards to anyone with access to Atlassian Analytics by changing the restriction from your dashboard settings.

Q: Is it possible to query a Google Sheets data source using SQL?

A: Yes! For those who prefer SQL mode over visual mode, SQL can be used to query your Google Sheets data sources just like on any other data source type. See our documentation for specific notes on the SQL syntax to use.

Q: Can we access the Atlassian Data Lake using our own BI tools?

A: Connecting to the Atlassian Data Lake using your own third-party tools is not available yet, but our teams are working on it! We suggest following the public feature suggestion ticket for updates.

Q: What language do we use to write Custom Formulas in Visual SQL?

A: Custom formulas in the “Formula column” and “Apply formula” steps support SQLite functions. Our documentation highlights commonly used SQLite string functions and date and time functions that can be used to transform your data. You can also view the SQLite documentation for the full list of available functions.

Q: When displaying my parent and child Jira issues in a table chart, how do I remove the duplicate values of the parent’s issue key?

A: In the scenario where you are trying to remove duplicate values from a table chart, you can add a “Apply formula” step on your column with the custom formula: CASE WHEN ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY "Column Name") = 1 then "Column Name" ELSE NULL END.

There is also a feature suggestion ticket to add this as an available chart setting in the new table charts.

Q: How can I create a chart showing the list of asset objects by an asset attribute?

A: To build a chart showing asset objects with a particular attribute, you can query columns from the “Assets object” and “Assets object attribute” tables. To filter by attribute name, the “Name” column from the “Assets type attribute metadata” table will need to be used. The example queries for assets data article includes more detailed instructions on how you can accomplish this from Atlassian Analytics.


If you missed it, we hope to see you at next month’s office hours on October 18 EMEA/AMER, October 19 APAC. Look out for a signup link in a future post here in Community.



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