I posted two responses to this question: https://community.atlassian.com/t5/Confluence-discussions/What-is-a-use-case-for-using-a-database-in-Confluence/td-p/2581450#U2586005
One took me about 10 minutes to compose. It wasn't hateful or rude, at least I don't think. It was serious feedback. I hit publish and the page refreshed, and my comment was there. I had an additional thought, so I added another response. When the page refreshed upon submission my first comment was gone.
This is very, very, frustrating. I'm assuming nothing can be done?
Thank you! It's unfortunate there wasn't some sort of indication to the user. Please feel free to delete this post.
It's worth keeping this post public, someone else with the same problem may find it!
The 'bots do quite a good job of spotting spam, but they are not that clever, they miss some, and get a bit overzealous on others. When they spot something, it's not usually worth going to the user who posted it, as they're probably a spam-bot that won't look at it.
Most forums would still show your post with a little "Awaiting approval" message. This would have been nice and avoided this entire thread. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯