My organization does a lot of consulting work, which means we work in lots of different instances of various Atlasian products (JIRA, HipChat, Bitbucket, etc.) for different customers. We're really struggling with the whole Atlassian ID concept. Just now I stumbled on the whole "personal vs. managed account" concept and I am ready to throw in the towel.
Can someone please give a recommendation of the best way to set up users when you need to work in mulitple instances? Is this use case handled in any way by the newest Atlassian ID Rollout? I have looked but I can't find a clear answer anywhere.
That seems logical in theory but doesn't work for us in practice. The biggest issue right now is HipChat. Logging into the web interface for alternate instances doesn't seem to recognize Atlassian ID in all cases. The other issue we run into is that since these are customer instances, we don't have anyone on our team who has admin so getting email addresses in the user list updated is not something we can control.
Are the Hipchat issues because the integration of Atlassian Account for HIpchat is still underway? If so, Atlassian ID will be recognised in more instances as they migrate.
What's the reason for needing to update email addresses? Just to make sure that you are registered with the same email address on all the instances you access?