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Can an admin clear an active session for a user?

Sarah Gray April 4, 2023

As an admin is there a way to clear a user's active session and force them to log back in, without revoking their access?

We can easily clear the SSO session, but that doesn't push to Atlassian's session and the user remains logged in.

2 answers

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Michael Aglas November 13, 2023

can't find the menus either

Sarah Gray November 13, 2023

I still don't see the same options that were referenced before, but I was able to effectively clear their sessions by logging the user out manually.

Atlassian Admin --> Directory --> open the user profile --> under Security click Log out for each device

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Riley Venable
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April 4, 2023

Yes, as an admin, you can clear a user's active session and force them to log back in without revoking their access. To clear a user's active session, you can follow these steps:

1. Navigate to the "People" section in the Atlassian administration console.

2. Find the user whose session you want to clear and click on their name.

3. In the user details page, scroll down to the "Sessions" section.

4. Click the "Clear" button next to the session you want to end.

5. A pop-up window will appear, asking you to confirm that you want to end the user's session. Click "End session" to confirm. Once you have cleared the user's session, they will be logged out of all Atlassian products and will need to log back in to access them. It is important to note that clearing a user's session will not revoke their access; they will still be able to access the products they have been granted access to.

Sarah Gray April 4, 2023

Thank you. This is what I was looking for, but I'm not seeing "People" in our admin console.

In the Directory we can clear the recent devices individually, and in "Users" under Products we can revoke access and manage groups and roles.

Neither of the locations I referenced include a "Sessions" section with a "Clear" button. The closest being the "Recent Devices" with individual devices and tokens listed. Is this the section you were referring to?

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