Unable to connect MS Teams channel to Atlas project ?

Amandine Rimbert
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June 27, 2024

We are using Atlassian Home to report on our projects and we successfully managed to allow connection with our MS Teams. In the Share feature of an Atlas project, you can then choose a specific MS Teams channel in which you would like to automatically post project updates. I am able to see our existing Channels and select one, but then when I want to save it and click on "Done", I systematically get a generic error message "Something went wrong while connecting to Microsoft Teams. Please try again in a few minutes". (We tried on multiple days already, so it's not just a temporary issue).

Are there other people facing the same issue ? Any advice on what the problem could be ? As we are now stuck and do not know how to get more info on what is failing.

Thanks in advance !

Capture d’écran 2024-06-27 101013.png

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