Request for an API to post updates to ATLAS for a project

Greg Billington - ScriptRunner
September 11, 2023

We would be interested in an API to post an update (freetext style)  for a specific project.

e.g. so could post number of open bugs automatically every week

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Nir Nikolaevsky
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
October 13, 2023

Hi Greg, 

Are you interested in posting updates to multiple projects or multiple updates to one project? 

And to your example, do you mean you want to post an update about ongoing bugs to your project? Sorry if I'm missing something obvious here, keen to understand your use case!

Greg Billington - ScriptRunner
November 8, 2024


yes perhaps once a week an automated scriptrunner script could collate bug stats (or sprint info) from Jira and post them as an update to a Atlas project

assume could post to multiple projects by calling API repeatedly which would be Ok rather than a single call to add identical info all projects.

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