Please support filtering by dates

Jack Ukleja
March 5, 2024


When doing "delivery wall" style status updates at the company portfolio level, we are often needing quickly jump through views for based on organisational units, showing all the project or goals due that quarter/year.

While its relatively easy to filter the organisational units using team or reporting line filters, there is no way to filter on target dates. 

Can we please have a way to filter on target dates? This will make it very easy to create view of yearly or quarterly OKRs for example. 

Right now the only way to achieve this is by manually labelling the relevant items. 


1 answer

2 votes
Nicola Sun
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
March 11, 2024

Hi Jack, 

Thanks for reaching out, I understand the need to filter by target dates. 

I've added your feedback in our backlog.




Dmitry Belousov
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
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November 28, 2024

Hi, I would also like to +1 on this feature as this is not usable for us without filtering by target date. We use quarterly goals and if I am not able to select the quarter, how this is expected to work if you want to see goals relevant to a particular quarter? Am I missing something?

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