How to prompt project owner to update weekly

August 10, 2023

In one of the webinars, someone said that project managers are prompted to share a weekly update.


Given our constant overload, I expect project and goal owners to get a notification prompting them to add their updates - preferably before the weekly digest is sent.


The flow today is that I'm getting the digest, and it then remind me to add the update

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Sing Chen
August 11, 2023

Hi @matan.grady 

Reminders are sent to users listed as Atlas project owners every Friday morning (local time):


Here is the help article that I took the table from. It has more details about locale/timezone of users in relation to reminders and the weekly digest:
How do project and goal reminders work? | Atlas Help Center (

Hope that helps!



August 12, 2023

From what I can tell and experience, I get reminders only for projects that has active followers.

When a project doesnt have any, I don't get reminder.

And for me that's bad since I'm trying to get other people onboard with the tool so I need to make sure everything is in tact before they will actually use it and follow it

Sing Chen
August 12, 2023

Assuming you are not working alone (i.e. have team members/colleagues), you can add them as followers. You just can't remove them as followers; they need to remove themselves.


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Greg Billington
September 11, 2023

It would be great to also be able to designate if contributors also should add an update (we have updates from 3 people in the team) so would like prompts to be sent to them all friday morning

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