Disable email notifications for any additional risk/learning/decision

Alexander Grewe September 26, 2023

Hello, first of all I have to say that I really like working with Atlas. But there is one thing that makes it hardly usable for my use case at the moment. Whenever I add a risk/learning/decision, every follower gets an email saying that a risk/learning/decision has been added. This annoys the followers of the project because they sometimes get more than 5 emails a day when I add some risks for example.
Is it possible to change the notifications so that followers of a project only receive the weekly/monthly update and not an email for each risk/learning/decision added? If that's not the case, I'll have to think about another reporting tool, which would make me a little sad since, as I said, I like working with Atlas.

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Nir Nikolaevsky
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
October 13, 2023

Hi @Alexander Grewe, appreciate the feedback! 

I understand your situation and it does sound frustrating. People often have different views on these features, we had some users who absolutely want to be notified about every development on a project they follow where's others prefer to only hear about updates once a week. 

Longer term we do want to provide more control over notifications, but there's a bit of work that needs to go into that. In the meantime I'll forward your feedback to our team to help us prioritise a solution. 

Sorry I couldn't give you a more helpful answer but I'll keep you in the loop on any developments in this space.

Alexander Grewe October 13, 2023

Hey @Nir Nikolaevsky , thank you for the information. I understand that there are some users who absolutely want to be informed about every updatet of a project. To find a solution to this problem: I would suggest that as a project owner, I can set the general settings for notifications (e.g. followers only receive notifications about updates) and then each follower of a project can set their own notifications. For example, by clicking on "follow the project", the follower can choose which updates they would like to receive as an email. This flexibility allows each follower to receive only the updates as email that they really need/want.

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Lisa Gleinzer May 31, 2024

@Alexander Grewe Can you assist me as to where I can find these configurations:

"As a project owner, I can set the general settings for notifications  (e.g. followers only receive notifications about updates).

So far, I can only see a way to change Reminders and Digests and am wondering if I'm missing something? My team is finding the notifications a bit too much when responses are being posted.

Or, is it that you mean as the Project Owner you set notifications by who you add to the project as Contributors and Followers. 

Thank you,

Lisa Gleinzer 

2 votes
Sing Chen September 27, 2023

Hi @Alexander Grewe , this doesn't answer your question but wanted to add my two cents and your question raises an interesting point that I'm keen on following the progress of.

We gave Atlas a comprehensive pilot in May/June this year (in our PMO) and made the decision not to use Learnings at that point in time - simply because we were building out and about to launch a more comprehensive Lessons Learnt framework and process.

I believe Risks and Decisions became available in Atlas after our pilot and after we had completed training for our project and program managers, and for that reason we made the decision not to make use of Risks and Decisions. We have a toolkit that includes templates for risks and decisions (with built-in notifications/reminders/escalations and other workflows) that are part of our operating model.

While the feature-richness of Risks, Learnings, and Decisions in Atlas isn't on a par with what we are currently using, we continue to maintain an open position on this and will review as our usage of Atlas becomes more embedded and our needs evolve.

My comment on the issue you've cited does sound frustrating. It would be great to see for example notifications distinguished by role. For example, if you're a contributor to a project you get all notifications but if you're a follower, you receive the weekly project updates and the monthly goal updates.

Alexander Grewe September 28, 2023

Hey @Sing Chen personally, I would love to see more flexibility with notifications.

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