Confluence embeds not working in Firefox?

Majken Longlade July 11, 2022

Looks like there's an issue with Confluence embeds in Atlas in Firefox. We get the error mentioned in this Firefox support doc -

Tried embeds in Jira and they work fine. Anyone else seeing the same thing?

Most of us use Chrome at work (I use Firefox for my personal browser) so this may have been going on for a bit before anyone reported it to me.

We create one pagers in Confluence and then use the embed option to embed the one pagers into our project descriptions in Atlas.

3 answers

1 vote
Majken Longlade November 3, 2022

Looks like it works if I disable Enhanced Tracking Protection, and it remains working if I turn it back on. I guess once some cookie is established it keeps working?

Can't recall if I did or didn't try disabling this at the time, assuming I didn't, but who knows!

0 votes
Jan-Hendrik Spieth October 20, 2022

Confluence look like this for me in FF 105:

Screenshot 2022-10-20 102501.png

All fine in MS Edge.

0 votes
Rachel Lin
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
July 11, 2022

Hi @Majken Longlade

Do you mind showing me what you're seeing? I couldn't replicate, as it looks like the embeds are working for me in Firefox but it requires you to authorise storage access in the embed frame first. 

Majken Longlade July 11, 2022

This is what I see. It does seem to briefly display an Atlassian error message with a lock, but then this replaces it very quickly.

confluence embed firefox error.png

Majken Longlade July 11, 2022

Also, if I'm understanding the issue correctly, this wouldn't actually be a problem in Atlas, it would be some configuration that should include Atlas that doesn't. Perhaps because Atlas is always at and not part of our own Atlassian site?

Majken Longlade August 24, 2022

@Rachel Lin any updates? Do you need any more info from me?

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