Auto Create a JSM Ticket using HALP without having to press "Raise Request"

Alex Woodbridge
June 12, 2023

We have recently migrated over to JSM with HALP until recently our agents have been using the emoji to trigger the Raise Request prompt. This is great but give us no accuracy on SLAs.

With Auto creation, I would expect that when a message is typed in a Slack channel then this would automatically create a ticket in Jira Service Management. However, this is not the case, we still see the "Raise Request" prompt. 

Is there a way to automatically create the ticket in JSM, copy the comment to the Summary and Description fields, without having to interact with slack?

We use the emojis to assign and close the ticket but would prefer a more seamless ticket creation flow.

Thank you

1 comment

Evn Tomeny [Appfire]
Atlassian Partner
June 12, 2023

Does the queue you're using have a single request type and no required fields?

Alex Woodbridge
June 19, 2023

Hi Evn,

I have reduced it down to one request type and there are one required field - do you think this could be the issue?

The required field is `Summary`

We require this to ensure our CS agents put in a summary for the JSM ticket.

thanks for helping


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