Created Jul 13, 2022, Last active today
We introduce Questions for Confluence. Unfortunately the Topics are case sensitive, which can lead to duplications or even issues when searching for Topics. Is there a way to make topics case-in-se...
Hi team, Can any one show me how torepeat ask question box at the footer of all pages. like that:ask question.png has an answer how to create a Url to ask a question. I'm looking for a way to create a Url to a topic, without the need to know the internal ID o...
While we don't have lots of users actively voting on questions to be able to make the best use of the "Popular" tab, we do have questions that come up frequently. We were wondering if there was a way...
Hi, We are evaluating the Questions for Confluence plugin on our hosted Confluence server. Questions for Confluence support: server vs plugin First, I'm finding it difficult to find answers b...
I'm using Confluence Questions in the Cloud. I have marked several topics as Featured, so why don't they show up in the Featured Topics list? image2016-3-28 13:41:18.png
Hi, I want to trigger an event when the follow condition is true: custom field "Date" (format dd/mm/yyyy) == "issue created date" ?? how to write this condition properly? T...
This question is in reference to Atlassian Documentation: Votes and Experts There's a scoring mechanism, but what are the thresholds?
We have Questions for Confluence v2.3.4. On the Questions home page is a default filter named "Popular". What is the definition of that filter? The page was showing questions until this past weekend...
I am trying to run the curl command to import bulk custom fields from my command line. The command looks like below: curl -u <username>:<password> "https://<JIRA url>/rest/scriptr...
Hi, Now, I faced with performance problem about Confluence. Once Confluence is slow, even it Confluence is restarted, problem is not resloved. So, I delete disk cache of Linux, problem is resolved...
I want to display a list of questions filtered by topic and space. I want to enclose this list within a user macro, and paramaterize the topics, so I can embed it on multiple pages. I see two options...
If an answer is upvoted but later is determined to not be the best answer is it possible to reassign points from one answer to another?
After selecting a topic within the 'recent'-list, I always get the error: 'Error occurred when loading questions!'. Any idea what the cause is ? It happens with all topics. We only started with Ques...
Hello I would like to remove the "usage stats" in Questions. I don't want my users to see it
Hi, how can I resolve the following? running JIRA 6.4.7 and Scriptrunner import com.atlassian.core.util.DateUtils def resolvedNames = ["Resolved", "Closed"] def timeDiff; if (i...
After questions, members of the quality of the answers. If questioners got deleted after answering a question, the...
Hi, We have been upgraded from 3.5 to 5.8 - change of major release. Now I have to cope with several macros. We used the forum macro (chatterbox) as a news table each news was a child page ther...
How do you recognize questions which are not relevant anymore so that they can be deleted? Are there any good practices?
Hi, after a couple of user reached 1k points, their cq profile is not available and give the Oops an error has occurred page. I have confluence 5.8.10 and latest cq I have install/reinstall plugin,...
Can't imagine this was not asked yet but did not find the right answer yet, hence here again: The concept of restricting Questions to certain spaces is clear since version 2.0.8 - great feature! BUT...
I understand there is no REST api (yet) for updating user's reputation points. (there is for thresholds : What table should I update if I nee...
How to paste/attach screenshot in confluence questions? We currently have confluence v5.4.4
Hey everyone, I'm working with Confluence Questions and the "Questions List" macro. Is there any possibility to sort questions? For example I see the latest answer on top and the oldest at the end. ...
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