Looking for a way to restore deleted issues in Jira? There are more than 120 requests on this topic here in the Atlassian community. No one wants to lose valuable records. So, let’s find out what you can do to get your issue back to the project.
In Jira, you can delete an issue only if you have the appropriate project permissions. When an issue is deleted, it is removed from the database and can no longer be accessed or viewed. Any data associated with the issue, such as comments or attachments, will also be deleted and cannot be recovered. However, in some cases, deleted issues may contain essential details critical to the project or team's success.
*Note that add-ons can only find and restore the issues deleted after app installation.
So, in any case, you need to consider your rescue plan beforehand and decide what works best for you.
Issue History for Jira add-on has an option that works as recycle bin. Here you can find all issues that were deleted and get them back to the required project.
After you install the app, you need to activate the storing process:
One click – and the deleted Jira ticket is restored.
If someone deletes a parent task with several subtasks, you can also restore all issues. It works for child issues as well. Every time you restore a subtask, you can also restore the parent problem, and vice versa: when you restore the parent, you can recover all of the subtasks.
Restoring deleted issues in Jira is crucial to maintaining an accurate and complete record of project work, preventing data loss, and ensuring that teams have access to the information they need to succeed.
There are two ways to recover deleted issue/ticket in Jira: