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Accelerating Documentation: The Role of Screen Recording in Creating Tutorials and Guides

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In today’s global environment, if you want to reach out to a larger audience in different countries, speaking different languages - capturing and presenting complex processes can be quite challenging. Instead of relying only on text-based manuals, you can leverage videos and images to create clear and effective documentation for knowledge sharing and user education. Screen recording can help you create engaging content that is likely to lead to a better understanding of complex concepts and better retention of information.

The Power of Screen Recording in Documentation

Screen recording significantly simplifies and enhances the process of creating tutorials and guides. Increasingly preferred by both educators and learners, videos can add more interactivity, color, and speed to the process of documentation. Screen recording can be easily used to create how-to videos that function as effective tools to demonstrate the use of any product or app. Moreover, a step-by-step visual demonstration can help your audience understand how to complete each stage.

Capturing Complex Processes

Videos are an efficient tool to capture and deliver intricate procedures with the help of visualizations. By creating a balance of images, text, and sound, they provide a conducive learning environment. Screen recording apps such as Screenjar for Jira can help you create a wide range of enriching tutorials and guides that can become integral to any learning and development program. From showing how to use a piece of software or explaining a company process and teaching a skill, recordings can assist users in understanding complex concepts more easily.

Engaging User Experience

Compared to text-based communication, video tutorials, and guides are more interactive, appealing, and colorful resulting in improved user engagement. The dynamic and interactive content delivered using videos can help you introduce a new course or a complex concept easily. Viewers are likely to resonate with the content and can also be motivated to take the necessary action. With the help of interactive elements such as annotations and captions, you can create inclusive content that goes well with diverse learning styles.

Enhancing Clarity and Comprehension

Screen recording aids are particularly useful in creating demo videos that present information with clarity and context. While training employees, you can use these videos to explain the workings of a product or service. Step-by-step video guides use a combination of visual demonstrations and accompanying explanations to communicate clearly and effectively. Reading a long text-based manual is likely to leave them confused, whereas a video demo can explain the same concept ensuring proper understanding and comprehension.

Saving Time and Effort

Screen recording reduces the considerable time and effort required to create important documentation. Putting together lengthy written manuals to explain systems and processes can eat into your team’s time and bandwidth. A better alternative is to use video recordings that capture complex and drawn-out processes in real time. This crisp, concise, and straightforward content gives viewers a clear understanding and is sure to save their time as well.

Creating Self-Help Resources

Screen recordings are versatile tools that can be repurposed as self-help resources to make users independent. Short how-to videos can be created using screen recording software to help users understand common concepts and answer frequently asked questions. The addition of quick instructions can make these videos useful for troubleshooting. It’s easy to store video tutorials in a central online library where users can access a wealth of information anytime and from anywhere.

Improving User Adoption and Onboarding

Organizations can streamline their remote onboarding processes by using screen recording apps to create a range of videos. New members can be welcomed with a personalized pre-recorded video with messages from their colleagues. Detailed training and instructional video manuals can help recruits acquaint themselves with the company’s working culture, systems, and processes. Visual instructions can also improve user adoption by helping them understand new processes or features.

Integrating Screen Recording into Documentation Workflows

Screen recordings are extremely versatile and can be effectively integrated into your company’s existing documentation processes.
Let’s look at some real-life use cases to see their application:
➔ Video manuals and demos: Explain complex concepts with speed and clarity
➔ Troubleshooting videos: Encourage self-help and reduce user reliance on support
➔ Onboarding videos: Facilitate and personalize remote onboarding

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Create a Wealth of Information

We live in an age of information and data overload where their correct storage and presentation make all the difference. Screen recordings can prove to be a vital tool by improving user adoption and aiding a better understanding of intricate processes and concepts. They also help you create a rich repository of information that can be easily accessed by users across your network. You can stay ahead of the competition to accelerate documentation and create more impactful tutorials and guides by effectively using Screen recording apps.



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Prabhu Palanisamy _Onward_
Marketplace Partner
Marketplace Partners provide apps and integrations available on the Atlassian Marketplace that extend the power of Atlassian products.
October 18, 2023

HI @Anand  - This type of feature is useful for employee onboarding, offboarding, internal transfers etc. Can you help me understand how this is different from using Loom or Zoom recorded sessions? Thank you.

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Anand Inamdar_Amoeboids
Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
October 19, 2023

@Prabhu Palanisamy _Onward_ our app, Screenjar, does eventually compete with Loom/Zoom. However, of course all these tools excel in their own chosen areas. 

But here's the gist of Screenjar vs Loom

  1. No admin overhead - Loom requires you to manage the users from their standalone app. Meaning, you will have to add/remove users as they join/leave your team. In case of Screenjar, it is an app natively built for Jira. There is no user management needed. Any user who has access to a Jira issue can use Screenjar for that issue.
  2. No additional piece of software needed - Loom will have you download their desktop apps and/or browser extensions. In case of Screenjar, none of that is required. Screenjar works seamlessly on all modern desktop browsers. 
  3. Less number of steps for the same outcome - With Screenjar, once you are happy with your screencast recording the video is uploaded as an attachment directly to the Jira issue from where the request originated. In case of Loom, one will have to download the video and then upload it to the Jira issue or post a shareable link in the Jira ticket.
  4. Data remains in your Jira - Since Screenjar is uploading the screen recordings as mp4 attachments the data remains in your Jira. And after a cooling off period it is deleted from our app server automatically. In case of Loom, you will have to specifically delete the videos using their app/s.

Of course, there are some areas where Loom is definitely better. But if your primary goal is to easily create & attach screen recordings to Jira tickets, then Screenjar has an upper hand.

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