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Xray test cases mass import - how we can do it?

Damian Sochacki
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July 24, 2024


I need to export my whole Xray test cases repository from one project into the next one (across one JIRA cloud instance).

Based on my investigation it's not possible to directly export one repository and import it to another one but more likely exporting specific set of test cases and push it (import) to another project. How can it be done in most effective way?

Already tried two add-ons:
- Xporter - I'm able to export specific JIRA artefact (eg. "Test" type) but it seems that test steps are not being exported to the Excel file. Also I'm unable to use Xporter while being on: "Issues" section with filtered JIRA task.
- Better Excel Exporter - the same story as with Xporter. Export only per JIRA task, missing Xray templates (only Zephyr onces) and none test steps exporter as well.

While being on Issues view and opening the: "Export issues" option I'm receiving such list:
List is not being updated neither with Better Excel Export not Xporter options.

Have someone already tried doing that one and have any hints & ideas how can it be done?

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July 24, 2024

Hi @Damian Sochacki ,

Unfortunately, we don't know if direct export to another Xray project is possible. However, if you've already tried a few marketplace plugins for export, you can also try using our Xray extension for Exporter for Jira (with the Free version preinstalled). We have Test Cases, Test Steps, and many other specific Xray fields available for export into CSV or JSON.
However, we have not tested importing these fields into another Xray project and cannot confirm if some connections might be lost during the import.

If you decide to try this method and succeed, we would be happy to collaborate on creating a mutual use case out of this issue.

If you have any questions about using our plugin, we will be happy to assist.

Best regards,
theCode4 Team

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