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Using SR Resources in a Rest Endpoint script

Steve Morris November 1, 2019

I am trying to set up a bunch of Rest Endpoints in Script Runner to retrieve data from databases to populate drop-downs based on other fields in the form.  I know you can use resources within the built-in scripts but my logic is going to be a bit more complicated and we might need to call multiple databases from an rest endpoint. 

My question is: how do I set up a database 'resource' that controls the user/password and class definitions but then use the resource pool from within my rest endpoint code?  All the examples I've found only hardcode the connection string, user/pasword, etc in the script itself in plain text.  That's not an option for use and we'd prefer to use the resources to set the password in a single place and have all code just use that resource. 

Any examples of doing this would help.

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Peter-Dave Sheehan
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November 2, 2019

From the documentation

import com.onresolve.scriptrunner.db.DatabaseUtil 
'local') { sql ->
'select * from project')
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