New graph for dashboard

Dennis Raahauge June 29, 2023

Hi all,

I need help finding or creating a graph like the one in the picture below.

On the Y-axis we would like to be able to scroll through our customers.
On the X-axis we would like to see the number of issues for 2023. The bars for each customer have to indicate how many issues have been created and resolved.

With the two arrows at the top, we would like to be able to flip through the years.

Also, it would be very nice if all the new customers we add to Jira would appear on this graph automatically, instead of us manually adding them to the graph.


I don't know if a graph like this exists and I can't find one like it for the dashboard.
It would be amazing if we could get all the features I described above or at least get as close as possible.

Hope that some of you are able to help me in one way or the other.




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Dennis Raahauge June 29, 2023


At the moment vi har around 40 customers we need to be added to the graph and more is coming....

Aron Gombas _Midori_
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June 30, 2023

Our Better Excel Exporter app has a customizable Created vs Resolved report template. It can generate a C vs R report based on any dimension!

You can easily use your "Customer" field as one of the dimensions. Grouping by year is readily there in the template, but you can drill down to months or even days.

The report is an actual Excel pivot table that you can configure with a few clicks (add or remove dimensions, change ordering, hierarchy, etc.) and there is a pivot chart to visualize the result dynamically:

jira-created-vs-resolved-pivot-chart (1).png

Dennis Raahauge June 30, 2023

Hi Aron,

Sounds good but we would like to have it inside our Jira dashboard. Is that possible?

Aron Gombas _Midori_
Community Leader
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June 30, 2023

No, this approach relies on using Excel for slicing and dicing the data.

For Jira dashboards, EazyBI could be an app that should be able to do this for you.

Ilze Mezite July 4, 2023

Hi, Dennis

Thank you for the detailed information and also the graph.
In eazyBI, there are pre-defined measures, for example:

  • Issues created - all the issues created in the period
  • Issues due - due (or unresolved) issues that do not have a resolution date
  • Issues resolved - issues that are resolved in the period.

You can read more about all the core measures here.

If you would like to see how all created issues for a customer are split between unresolved and resolved, you can use measures "Issues due" and "Issues resolved" and stack them in the chart as shown below. Adding Time in Pages allows you to filter by years.
Screenshot 2023-07-04 at 17.17.06.png

Using a gadget, you can share your report (or collection of reports - dashboards) in Jira dashboards.

If you have any other questions about eazyBI, please let me know.


Dennis Raahauge July 5, 2023

Hi Ilze, that seems like the perfect graph for us. How many customers can we have on the Y-axis and how can i get it in our dashboard?

Kind regards

Ilze Mezite July 5, 2023

Hi, @Dennis Raahauge 


It's nice to hear! Thank you for the additional questions. The table has no limit, but the Bar chart has a 1000-entry limit. We have this registered in our backlog, but I can't give you any date on when this will be developed. Meanwhile, you can filter the date to get the smaller set to show in the bar chart.


Also, there is the link to our documentation on how to publish the report in your Jira Dashboard:


If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask us at



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