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Forge app development. Part 1. App creation

Anton Chemlev - Toolstrek -
Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
September 6, 2020

So, some time ago Atlassian presented new developer platform for their cloud solutions. Meet Forge. The main idea behind this platform is that developer can concentrate on app logic instead of tinkering with infrastructure. In this tutorial we will create simple issue notes app for Jira. Prepare a cup of coffee and...let's go!

First of all, visit this page and follow all instructions. As a result you'll obtain Forge installation, developer site and successful login in Forge.

Navigate to the directory where you want to create the app and run: forge create

Enter a name for your app. Let it be notes. Select jira-issue-activity template. Ok, you've got new directory called notes. Switch to this directory and run: forge deploy

This will deploy your app on your development environment (read more here). Next run: forge install

Select Jira as a product and provide URL to your development environment which you've already created. You'll be prompted to follow URL which lead to consent screen. Choose your developement environment and approve!

Next, go to your Jira development environment, open any issue...and gotcha:


Click this tab and world will say you "hello":


Planning and implementing our app

Now we've prepared everything for development,  let's think about components our app will consist off. Forge looks similar to React, so we will split app into components too:

  • Note - a single element for NotesList
  • NotesList - container for our notes
  • NewNoteForm - a form for creating new note
  • DeleteNoteForm - a form for deleting note

Go to src directory in your app folder and create new directory called components, switch to it.


Create new file called Note.js and place this code in it:

import ForgeUI, {Fragment, Text, Avatar} from '@forge/ui'

const Note = ({text, accountId}) => (
<Avatar accountId={accountId}/>

export default Note

 What's going on here? We use Forge UI components to build our Note. We must use Fragment in order to display two adjacent components (it is totally like React fragment).


Create new file called NotesList.js and place this code in it:

import ForgeUI, { Fragment } from '@forge/ui'
import Note from './Note'

const NotesList = ({notes}) => (
<Fragment> { => <Note text={note.text} accountId= {note.accountId}/>)}

export default NotesList


It is rather simple. We just iterating through notes array.

Let's see what we did in action, and for this we will prepare test data.

Go to src folder of your app and create file data.js. and place this code:

export const data = [
{accountId: '557058:a26fbc8e-dafe-4afa-a406-2876f8569f92', text: 'First note!'},
{accountId: '557058:a26fbc8e-dafe-4afa-a406-2876f8569f92', text: 'Second note!'},
{accountId: '557058:a26fbc8e-dafe-4afa-a406-2876f8569f92', text: 'Third note!'},
{accountId: '557058:a26fbc8e-dafe-4afa-a406-2876f8569f92', text: 'Fourth note!'},
{accountId: '557058:a26fbc8e-dafe-4afa-a406-2876f8569f92', text: 'Fifth note!'},

 What you see in accountId is my own accountId value. Later we will get it in our app automatically, but now you can read how to obtain it here.


It's time to get everything together. Place this code in your index.jsx file:

import ForgeUI, {render, IssueActivity } from '@forge/ui' 
import NotesList from './components/NotesList'
import {data} from './data'

export const run = render(
<NotesList notes={data}/>

run function is the main function of our app, it is mentioned in manifest.yml file.

Running our app

Run: forge deploy

Or instead (if you are on development environment) run: forge tunnel.

Read more about tunneling here.

Next, go to your development instance, choose issue and...


We can see our notes!


In next part of this tutorial we will learn how to store data against issue, i.e. how to add and delete notes. Let's be kinda immutable without editing them (smile)


Do you develop any app for Forge?



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Gonchik Tsymzhitov
Community Leader
Community Leader
Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
September 6, 2020

Nice! Great Job! 👍 

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Anton Chemlev - Toolstrek -
Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
September 9, 2020

Part 2 added! :)

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M Amine
Community Leader
Community Leader
Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
March 11, 2021

Excelent. Thank you

Wolfgang Landes June 15, 2021

Nice Tutorial, sounds great.
While trying your code I got an Validation error.

String must be used within one of [Text, Heading].

 Were there any updates in forge that I need to consider?

Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
March 17, 2023

Nice tutorial! its a shame that the official tutorials are so barebones..

I found out that <Avatar> component was removed so, for this tutorial to work, we have to use <User> component instead.

AUG Leaders

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