Sidebar Icon Order
To change the position of the icon to below the Reports icon, add the following code snippet to the Announcement Banner:
<script type="text/javascript"> $(function() { AJS.$("[data-link-id='com.atlassian.jira.jira-projects-plugin:report-page']").after(AJS.$("[data-link-id='com.kretar.jira.plugin.user-story-map:easy-agile-story-map']")) }); </script>
Also, if you're not actively using the announcement banner, we recommend you add a CSS style to hide the Announcement Banner as it otherwise unnecessarily bumps out whitespace at the top of every page;
<style> #announcement-banner { display: none; } </style>
Remove Icon from Project Sidebar
The Story Map icon will only appear on JIRA Software projects, not JIRA Service Desk or Core.
It is possible for a System Administrator to remove the Story Map icon from the project sidebar for every JIRA Software project. Bedore the icon is hidden a project administrator should add a project shortcut to the Story Map for each project that wishes to use Easy Agile User Story Maps.
To remove the icon a System Administrator must:
1. browse to Add-ons > Manage Add-ons
2. open Easy Agile User Story Maps for JIRA
3. expand '15 of 15 modules enabled'
4. click Disable next to the (eausm-icon) module