Unveiling the Enhanced Kanban Boards in Jira Cloud: Making Work Fun Again! #AtlassianCreator

Greetings, fellow project management aficionados! Get ready to pop the confetti and break out the party hats because we’re about to drop a bombshell of joyous news! Brace yourselves for the mandatory rollout of the spiffy, new-fangled Kanban boards in Jira Cloud for all you cool cats managing company projects, starting November 6th. Prepare to bid adieu to the humdrum of mundane workflows and say hello to a whole new world of project management pizzazz!

Shake Up Your Work Routine with the new Exciting Features:

  1. 🌞 Inline issue editing on the backlog, allowing direct editing of issue details.
  2. 🌟 Simple bulk editing capabilities on the backlog for up to 50 issues at once.
  3. 💡 Improved epic and version panels on the backlog, providing a more comprehensive overview of team progress.
  4. 💬 Addition of more out-of-the-box filters to facilitate issue search and navigation.
  5. 🚀 Enhanced performance, especially for larger sets of issues.

The latest enhancements to the Jira Software’s board and backlog on company-managed projects, aimed at increasing efficiency and performance. The upgrades aim to maintain the existing functions while providing users with a more seamless experience.

Further changes involve improved layout and design for better readability and accessibility, including optimized issue cards, smoother interactions, and better color schemes. Certain features, such as the ability to print issue cards and create linked pages for epics and sprints, have been removed due to low usage.

The rollout of these enhancements is being conducted gradually, with product admins receiving control over the timing of the changes. Users can provide feedback directly within the product, helping the team shape the final user experience or using this post of the Atlassian Community: https://community.atlassian.com/t5/Jira-Software-articles/Enhanced-Jira-board-and-backlog/ba-p/2331946

Elevate Your Jira Cloud Experience with the Kanban Combined WIP App: A Must-Have for Enhanced Boards!

Alright, Jira Cloud enthusiasts, it’s time to take a deep dive into the nitty-gritty of project management awesomeness! With the imminent rollout of the spiffy enhanced Kanban boards in Jira Cloud, there’s one tool that’s stealing the spotlight: the Kanban Combined WIP App. Let’s uncover why this nifty little gem is the must-have accessory for your upgraded boards and how it’s about to become your new best friend

The Kanban Combined WIP App: The Ultimate Game-Changer for Your Projects:

You know that feeling when you’re juggling a gazillion tasks and you’re about as balanced as a unicyclist in a hurricane? Say no more! The Kanban Combined WIP App is here to rescue you from the chaos. It’s like having a Swiss Army knife for your project management toolkit, allowing you to seamlessly manage your work in progress with the finesse of a seasoned magician pulling rabbits out of hats. See this super-short video demonstration:

IMPORTANT NOTE: The new compatible version with Enhanced boards of Kanban Combined WIP is currently in EAP and will be released publicly at the end of this month of October.

 #Atlassian #AtlassianCreator




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