Decisions take the time that you may not always have, especially when they depend upon multiple people. But automation of the Jira approval workflow may become a game-changer in your overall workflow, boosting efficiency, improving communication, and decreasing the timing of the decision-making process at your organization.
Let’s look closely at the approvals, automation, and potential benefits for your team and management.
Well, an approval workflow is a logical set of activities when certain information – ranging from an employee’s requested time-off dates to a project’s financial budget – can be authorized or denied by somebody higher-up in an organization.
This step formally approves work from different levels or departments and can include budgets, invoices, project outlines, marketing initiatives, or any other items. Approval workflows are distinct in that they pause the process until a specified individual approves the data.
For instance, your department is launching a paid advertising campaign on Google. You need to create a design for your ad, write a copy, set up a budget, and launch the campaign. Your PPC specialist will be able to start it just after the chief designer approves the design, the chief copywriter approves the texts, the financial department approves the fees, and the chief marketer approves the whole campaign.
That’s why the approval step makes sure that at the final stage, all elements of your project are ready and double-checked, so your PPC specialist won’t launch the campaign with the wrong creative, text, etc., and won’t burn the budget.
How to automate the approval flow?
So, at any stage, the project can be rejected, hauling the work of the whole team.
To ensure the process is efficient, the team should have seamless communication. Unfortunately, it’s not always happening, especially when we’re talking about larger organizations or remote workers.
Managers and employees receive tons of phone calls, emails, or messages in Slack/Teams, whatever, creating a total mess and delays. Sometimes, they’re lost in the pipeline, or people simply forget about the notification they’ve received. So, what are the ways out to a seamless approval process and efficient workflow?
The answer is automation. You can automate your Jira approval process to save your and your team’s time and ensure everybody has a real-time update on the project progress, necessary edits, and changes, and doesn’t have to ask colleagues, subordinates, or managers to get the required info.
Business Process Manager as a Jira approval workflow plugin
So, how will your Jira workflow approval process look with the Business Process Manager Tool? Once you set up an issue in BPM with multiple steps, let’s say, our Google paid advertisement, you can add the Jira approval to eachh separate stage of your issue.
Moreover, you can choose a single approver or multiple approvers, if needed, and even arrange them in a definite order. For example, you choose the chief designer to approve the creative for your campaign, then choose the chief copywriter to approve the text, and then choose the chief marketer to approve both the design and copy.
The approver will have 2 options to “approve” or “reject” the form if any corrections are needed. You can also set up the tool to automatically create a new template, reopen the form, or do nothing when the stage is approved or rejected.
In the nutshell, BPM will allow you to build a complex workflow with multiple approvals, and the add-on will act in accordance with the functions you set up.
With the BPM approval feature, you give your team a game-changing tool that simplifies the workflow. When everything is automated within one plug-in, you ensure nothing important is missed out, everyone gets in-time reminders and notifications, and you and your team are not distracted by multiple emails or phone calls “have you done this?”\ “have you received that?” etc.
Would you like to see how your workflow streamlines with automated approvals? Start our 30-day free trial and free up the time of your managers and team for more strategic tasks.
Moreover, if you’d like to figure out more how BPM will leverage the workflow at your organization, book a demo call with us, and we’ll gladly answer any of your questions.
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Karyna Tyrnavska _SaaSJet
Product Marketer
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