Everyone’s diagramming needs are different, which is why Gliffy Diagram for Confluence & Jira made it easy to import any SVG, JPG or PNG image or library of images.
Having custom images is a great way of making diagrams fit your individual needs and if you work with a team it's a fast and easy way of establishing shared visual standards. We recommend importing SVG images whenever possible. They can be enlarged to any size without losing resolution.
If you need inspiration, a few of our favorite sources for icons are IcoMoon, The Noun Project and Icon Finder. We also love the Sketch App sources newsletters because they’re full of great tips and free resources.
There Are 2 Ways to Import an Image
Pro Tip: You can tag or delete any image by right clicking it.
How to Add a Custom Library
If you have a whole set of images you'd like to import at once you can import them as a custom library that can be shared and edited by anyone on your team.
To Organize Your Custom Library
Select the Gear icon. From here you will be able to Edit, Remove or Delete it.
Pro Tip: We recommend that you import SVG files whenever possible. They can be enlarged to any size without losing resolution.
Please note, there is currently a limit of 30 shapes per library and 1MB size limit per image.
❤️ The Gliffy Team
John Almeida
Product @ Gliffy
San Francisco
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