I have helped many users write JQL.
My suggestion for most Jira users is to learn the JQL documentation first, and then you can use AI for Jira app in Jira data center.
Here are some common Jira JQL (Jira Query Language) queries that can help you quickly find the issues you need in Jira, The following JQL queries are generated by AI for Jira app:
Find all unresolved issues
resolution = Unresolved
Find all issues assigned to Peter
assignee = "Peter"
Find all issues in project 'AAA'
project = AAA
Find all issues in sprint 'SSS'
sprint = 'SSS'
Find all issues in version 1.0
fixVersion = "1.0"
Find all issues created during 202401
created >= "2024/01/01" AND created < "2024/02/01"
Find all issues updated during 202401
updated >= "2024/01/01" AND updated < "2024/02/01"
Find all issues with high priority
priority = High
Find all issues with label LLL
labels = LLL
Find all bugs
issuetype = "Bug"
Find all issues with status 'doing'
status = "Doi
Find all issues under Epic "IT-1"
"Epic Link" = "IT-1"
Find all issues in component 'UI'
component = "UI"
Find all issues reported by Peter
reporter = "Peter"
Find all sub-tasks of a specific issue
parent = issueKey
Find all issues with a specific custom field value
customfield_10001 = "specific value"
These JQL queries can be adjusted and combined according to your needs to more precisely find the issues you're looking for.
Of course, what are shown above are simple, the actual capabilities of AI are much more powerful than that, all you have to do is tell the AI app what you need and you'll get the JQL you want quickly.
If you have any specific query requirements or need further assistance, feel free to ask AI for Jira, or ‘comment’, ‘like’, ‘share’, ‘watch’ below! 😊
More useful JQL : AI for Jira Data Center Feature: JQL Search with AI (Part 2)
Guanglin Zhang (XDevPod)