The previous article shows some simple examples of the feature about using AI to generate code from natural language.
Now we will be showing the more professional and useful capabilities of AI for Jira data center.
Here are some useful Jira JQL (Jira Query Language) queries that can help you quickly find the issues you need in Jira, the following JQL queries are generated by AI for Jira app:
My open issues
assignee = currentUser() AND resolution = Unresolved
Open issues that I reported
reporter = currentUser() AND resolution = Unresolved
Issues that will due in 3 days in project AAA
project = AAA AND due < endOfDay("+3d")
Issues in pending and doing status in project AAA
status IN ("Pending", "Doing") AND project = AAA
Issues in project AAA that have not updated within 48 hours, sorted in descending order of update time
project = AAA AND updated <= -48h ORDER BY updated DESC
Bugs without attachments in project AAA
project = AAA AND issuetype = "bug" AND attachments is EMPTY
Issues completed by testers group users in project AAA
project = AAA AND assignee IN (membersOf('testers’)) AND resolution is not empty
Issues resolved in the past 30 days in project AAA
project = AAA AND resolutiondate >= -30d
Unresolved issues in the next upcoming version of project AAA
project = AAA AND resolution = Unresolved AND fixVersion = NEXT_RELEASE ORDER BY priority DESC
Bugs in project AAA with summary containing 'server exception'
project = AAA AND summary ~"server exception" AND issuetype = Bug
I've been logging work for the last month
worklogAuthor = currentUser() AND worklogDate >= startOfMonth(-1) AND worklogDate <= endOfMonth(-1)
What bugs are still not fixed before releasing V1.0?
issuetype = "bug" AND resolution = Unresolved AND fixVersion = "V1.0"
Find all issues I am watching
watcher = currentUser()
Find issues status has been changed from ‘Open’ to ‘In Progress’ on last week
status changed FROM "Open" TO "In Progress" AFTER startOfWeek(-1) BEFORE endOfWeek(-1)
These JQL queries above are generated by AI.
What other JQL would you like AI to generate for you? You can add comments, or try AI for Jira app.
Feel free to ‘like’, ‘comment’, ‘share’, ‘watch’ below! 😊
Guanglin Zhang (XDevPod)