#18 Report of the Week: Risk Assessment Report

Hey, there! This week, we’re diving into a Risk Assessment. This report can help teams quickly identify and mitigate potential risks in the workflows.

18-Risk chart by status and priority.png

In this risk matrix-style report issues are categorized based on their status and priority levels.

  • Columns: Status categories (To Do, In Progress, Done)

  • Rows: Priority levels (Highest, High, Medium, and Lower)

  • Values: Number of issues created within each category

How the Colours are Applied?

🟢 Green: All issues in Done status (resolved risks) – no further action needed.

🔴 Red (High Risk):

  • Highest/High priority issues in To Do status.

  • Highest/High/Medium priority issues in In Progress status.

🟡 Yellow (Medium Risk):

  • Lower priority issues in To Do status.

  • Lower priority issues in In Progress status.

This color-coded approach allows you to quickly scan the report and focus on high-risk areas that need immediate attention (red cells) while monitoring lower-priority risks (yellow cells). Use drilling option to see those issues by priority, assignee, or other aspects or to get a list of immediate action-required tasks.

Customization with Page Filters

To make this report more actionable, you can apply dynamic filters and tailor the view to your needs:

  • Time Period: Defaults to the Last 12 months but can be adjusted to specific year, quarter, month or even a day.

  • Project: Analyze risks for specific projects.

  • Issue Type: Focus on different types of work items – epics, tasks, sub-tasks, stories etc.

  • Assignee: Identify risks related to specific team members.


Managing risks helps teams solve problems before they get bigger. This report highlights high-risk tasks, keeps important issues moving, improves prioritization, and tracks risks across projects and team members for better clarity.

Take Action Now

If risk assessment is a priority for your team, import this report definition into your account and start identifying risks today.

Follow our Report of the Week article series and stay tuned for our next posts! 🚀



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