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How can I track business/use cases by customer and by product?

Rachel Jones February 3, 2015

I am on a team with around 200 Customer Success Managers.  As a stakeholder to our Product Management/development teams, I want to gather intelligent data around what our current customers are asking for and needing.  I need to collect data around a functionality and be able to easily say how many customers are impacted by that issue, which customers they are, which products they use and how many seats we would gain/lose by choosing to add or not add the functionality.  

In the past, if a JIRA ticket already existed for a certain request the CSM would comment or vote on the ticket to add their customer's feedback.  Neither commenting nor voting is an effective way to gather the detailed data we now seek (how revenue may be impacted by new features/fixes).  Are there any Atlassian solutions or addons that can help solve this problem?

We have considered using ticket labels, but have serious issues with the all or nothing permissioning on JIRA tickets.  The development team does not want to give our customer facing team full reign of ticket editing which is required to edit and change labels. Also, with over 2000 customers and multiple products, the managing of that many labels seems more cumbersome than useful.

I've looked at ServiceDesk, but it seems like a solution for Call Centers, which we are not. 

Any ideas or pointers would be very helpful.

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Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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February 19, 2015

I think the main problem here is that you are not entering data which can then be used to report on.

The key phrase in your question is "I need to collect data around a functionality" - absolutely right, but how are you telling JIRA that there is a common "functionality" on an issue?  Do you have a list of functionalities predefined ? (Use a custom field)  Or is it more adhoc? (Labels)

I understand the desire to avoid granting "edit" to everyone, but you're going to need some way to tag the issues with the data you want to base our searches on.  One option might be to disallow edits on issues, but have workflow functions that allow users to click something and apply the data.  Another might be to use the field security addon to protect the fields you don't want the customer facing team to alter.

But I can't get away from "how do you plan to identify the issues with the functionality needed?"

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