Hello to all admins of Confluence Cloud and the Jira Cloud family of products. Thank you for your ongoing feedback on how we can make collaborating and sharing your projects and content in our products even easier for you. We have listened and are excited to introduce great new ways to help get the teams in your organization collaborating quicker in Confluence and all of the Jira products.
Users now have a whole new way to request access to the entire Jira suite and Confluence. No more searching and trying to identify the site admin to ask if they can add someone as a user. No more email chains and chats or random desk drop-bys. Users can now request access to Confluence or Jira right from the product.
Say Alana shares a Confluence page with her teammate, Will. He opens up the Confluence page and sees a few Jira issues linked, but can’t view the details since he doesn’t have access to Confluence. Will can click on the Jira link and request access directly from the product. As the site admin, you will receive the request in their inbox and the Access requests page in the site administration portal.
In addition to managing all of the global permissions, including user requests and provisioning, site admins had to deal with incoming access requests via a variety of channels and no easy way to manage them. Now, you can enjoy a streamlined approach with a daily email for a batch of all request users, while users are able to gain access to the tools they needs to be more productive much quicker. Admins still have the opportunity to either approve or block access. When the decision is made, the user will get notified via email to help close the loop. The flows below shows how quick and painless the process is first for the user and then for the admin.
Don’t want to make your team wait for access, holding them back from working together? You can set up simple access control rules for future requests with domain enabled signups. When you enable this feature, everyone on the same email domain (@acme.com or @[deleted].com) can sign up on their own, making it frictionless to join. This means less emails and approval workflows for admins and more power for all users to get collaborating on projects quicker. Take a look at how easy it is to enable domain enabled signups on your Atlassian cloud site below.
Managing an entire site comes with a lot of responsibilities and you don’t always know the full context behind the needs of each user. Wouldn’t it be great to have a group of trusted users to help? In the next few months, site admins will be able to delegate some of their responsibilities to a network of trusted users. This is a new permission level for users, giving them more capabilities than a regular user, but without the full extent of a site admin role. Without needing to go through site admins, trusted users can add new users and install new products on their site and configure them. However, only site admins have the power to choose who can become a trusted user and can change these permissions at any time.
We’d love to hear what you think. Please share your feedback in the comments below. There’s no better time than now to get all your teammates collaborating and moving work forward in one place. Go ahead, invite your team to collaborate with you on a Jira project or Confluence page.
Sr. Product Marketing Manager, Confluence