JIRA couldn't connect to your database

dave chen
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September 22, 2017

It seems JIRA database corrupted, how to fix that issue.

3 answers

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Moses Thomas
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May 24, 2018

@dave chen

First of all there could be several  reasons.

1. You need to  now where your database is running( which server, is it running ? )

2. Make sure You don't have network issues btw database server and Jira server( if you  are running Jira on  your own  server

3.dbconfig.xml could be faulty,  make sure that the user name and password is correct for the user which  jira uses to  connect to  database

4. other things you could do  try to ping the IP address of your  database server and see whether or not you  get response.

5. Check jira logs /database server logs :)

6. See  also  KB article  https://confluence.atlassian.com/jirakb/startup-check-jira-database-connections-872262124.html

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Suhas P
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September 22, 2017

How do you know its corrupted? There could be different reasons for connections failure. Check if there are firewall changes in your organisation that has blocked the connection.

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Gregory Van Den Ham
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September 22, 2017

little more info needed, version jira, what are the hosts os's, what's the database running on.  What do the jira logs say?   :)

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