Is there a way to view JIRA Portfolio schedules with a grid for Months/Quarters etc?

Sam Doha
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December 20, 2017

Love this plugin but need a calendar view of my plan that I can use to present a simplified timeline to senior Stakeholders. Anyone have any thoughts?

Thanks all

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Walter Buggenhout
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December 27, 2017

Hi @Sam,

If you're talking about senior stakeholders, your usually talking about the Epic level, maybe even initiative level or program level (across multiple plans).

As far as I know, you cannot specify yet whether you want to look at the plan with a specific time representation in mind. But a few releases ago, a simple indication of the timeline has been added to the schedule. If you filter your schedule for a specific period, it will show you the month names at the top of the schedule (schedule itself not shown since I took the screenshot from a production example):

Screen Shot 2017-12-27 at 11.14.32.png

I applied the filtering as follows:

Screen Shot 2017-12-27 at 11.20.30.png

If you have multiple plans and create an overview of them in a program, the schedule will be shown as follows:


Hope this helps.

Sam Doha
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
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January 3, 2018

Hi @Walter Buggenhout thanks for that - really helpful! 

Unfortunately we're on JIRA cloud where the program feature of JIRA portfolio is currently unavailable. If you have any more thoughts on a workaround I'd love to hear them - otherwise I will continue to look for a plugin that may be able to do what I need.

Many thanks

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