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How do I add Epic status to the Initiative ticket?

Laurie Anci October 21, 2019

When I open an Epic, I see a list of the Stories and their status.  When I open an Initiative, I see the list of Epics.  How to I add the Epic status to the Initiative ticket view?  

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Earl McCutcheon
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
October 22, 2019

Hi Laurie,

Natively there is not an option do modify the panel from the UI, but you can drop a script in your announcement banner to call the element in to play.

As an example on what to do take a look at the following  Discussion from the Atlassian Developer Community posts, with an EXE on how to add in the Status of the child epic before that became a native feature of the panel:

I used the script from that post as the framework and modified it use the "Epic Status" field  instead of the "Status" field below, Noting the Epic Status Field is going to call from the customfield_ID rather than the field name directly:

<script type='text/javascript'>
AJS.$(document).ready(function() {
AJS.$('#jpo-child-issues-web-panel .jpo-child-issue-table tr').each(function() {
var $row = AJS.$(this);
var issueKey = $row.find('td:first-child').text();
AJS.$.getJSON(AJS.contextPath() + '/rest/api/latest/issue/' + issueKey, function(data){
var epicStatus = data.fields.customfield_10102.value;
$row.append('<td class="jira-issue-status-lozenge aui-lozenge jira-issue-status-lozenge-green jira-issue-status-lozenge-done aui-lozenge-subtle jira-issue-status-lozenge-max-width-medium">' + epicStatus + '</td>');


In the EXE above ^ the Epic Status field is customfield_10102 but may be different on your instance depending on order of installation of the various applications and add-ons, to look this up you can inspect the field element from one of your epics using the Browser Development tools OR navigate to Admin >> Issues >> Field Configurations >> Default Field Configuration locate the Epic Status field and select the Screens option for the field and the CustomField_ID value will be located in the URL for the screen setting page.

Then dropping that script into the announcement banner will pull the epic status into the initiative like this:

Screen Shot 2019-10-22 at 1.53.31 PM.png


Laurie Anci October 23, 2019

Looks awesome, unfortunately I am not a developer.  So, this is a little over my head.  

Earl McCutcheon
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
October 23, 2019

Hi Laurie,

No worries at all, and I completely understand, as dropping scripts into the system to customize the interface can be pretty rough without a firm understanding of what it is doing, as there is always a potential that the script could break something else in the system and without that full understanding of what to look out for could lead you into more trouble than its worth.

However, If you did want to try this one out I did a bunch of testing locally with this script and I could not trigger any follow up errors for some additional follow up as this would be a helpful feature to have.  But I did modify it again a bit because the original one I posted had all the elements returned as the GREEN done marker color, so I changed it so 'To Do',  'In Progress', and 'Done' all lined up with the respective Green Yellow and Blue defaults color options.

I created the following feature request to track interest in making this a native function of the panel and the updated script was added there as a workaround with the correct color markers:

Please make sure to add a vote to the feature request to help us track interest in the feature for prioritization efforts as covered in the Implementation of New Features Policy 

And for testing this out if you do decide to give it a go, its really easy to add or remove if its not working,  You can go to Admin >> System >> Announcement Banner and paste the script in and update, and you should be good to go (Noting there is a BUG when setting a change in the announcement banner currently in 8.x versions of Jira where the screen times out after selecting the "Set Banner" option,  just hit the page back button when this occurs, and the change will have been applied in the background),  If there are any other errors navigate back to the same path and remove the banner and the functionality returns to default:

Screen Shot 2019-10-23 at 3.41.19 PM.png


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