Getting error as "There is no scheduled epic in the current result set"

peter decosta February 12, 2018

After creating a plan in the portfolio getting following error:

"There is no scheduled epic in the current result set"

While Epics & Stories are appearing under Scope tab.

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Atlassian Team
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February 12, 2018

Hi Peter,

Take a look at the Communities post Solved: The current scheduling result does not contain any epics.  Two common reasons this can occur is as follows:


  • There are no resources available who can be assigned with the epics (e.g. no teams/team members are defined or insufficient team velocity to fit anything in)
  • The epics don't have an estimate (an epic can have an estimate by itself while it has no child stories, otherwise it is the total estimate of the child stories)

If the epics cannot be scheduled, they are highlighted in red in the backlog table after pressing "Recalculate", and when hovering over the items title (the first column), there is a tooltip giving more details on why it could not be scheduled.

Let us know what you find and we'll go from there.



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