EPIC issue time estimation: Gets not calculated in programm board

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August 2, 2024


We need Epics to calculate the remaining time!

We encounter the message: "This issue has been estimated, but isn't included in capacity calculations."

The time already spent on a task in the Kanban board does not get subtracted from the time quota of the Epic. We couldn't figure out why, despite looking into all possible settings.

Important maybe to mention: We don't use Sprints at all.

We are using the trial version of Jira for the first time and can't get it working properly.

Any help or guidance would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you!

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Marc - Devoteam
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August 9, 2024

Hi @cgi 

Given, as you said, that this question has been asked many times before, and has been answered many times before, have you reviewed the posts on the topic where answers have been provided and accepted?

The only "native" way to handle this is to create an Automation rule to do it. The question becomes which method you want to implement in the rule.

If you want the time to display in the "pretty" format (i.e. weeks, days, hours, minutes), there is no custom field available for displaying durations in that manner. In that case you have two choices for your Automation rule:

1. Have the rule log time against the epic each time that time is logged against the child issues.

2. Sum up the time in the child issues, either periodically or based on a work log related event in the child issues, then do the math in your rule to convert that to an appropriate weeks/days/hours/seconds display and put that value into a text field.

The challenge with the first option is that if a work log is changed or deleted at the child level, or a child issue is moved to another Epic, it becomes much more difficult to make the corresponding change in the Epic.

The challenge with the second option is working out the math to convert the value properly, taking into consideration working days of the week and working hours of the day.

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