Base URL deoes not propagate

December 16, 2019


We are installing Jira Software on a new server
After restoring from a backup file of the old server, we changed the base URL to match the new server. 
Jira Software works fine.
But I can not access Portfolio from the Jira software menu: the base URL displayed in the browser is still the old base URL. 
How can I change the base URL for the apps that I have: Portfolio and Tempo TimeSheet?

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Earl McCutcheon
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
December 17, 2019

Hello @nph ,

With the base URL changing the setting should update the behavior consistently across the whole application so since this is updated correctly in some locations but not in others, first off I would say to do a restart on the Server with a server side application caching flush / rebuild to clear out anything hanging server side and also do a clear out on browser side caching as well to make sure nothing is hung up locally.

To manually flush out the server side Application caching 

  • Stop Jira
  • Remove/Delete the application cache files ".bundled-plugins" and ".osgi-plugins" manually from the <Jira Home >/plugins directory (These are hidden by default):
    • $jira-home/plugins/.bundled-plugins
    • $jira-home/plugins/.osgi-plugins
  • Delete the contents of the work directory (!) Only remove the contents, do not remove the base work directory itself, or the path will not rebuild correctly, this one is located at:
    • $jira-install/work/*
  • Restart your JIRA instance

This action will trigger a full reload to the installed applications into the application caching.

I would also suggest looking at the server.xml context paths and proxy configurations as discussed in the following Community Thread, where a similar base URL error was traced back to a context path misconfiguration:


December 30, 2019

Hi Earl

Thanks. I tried but no success so far :-(

Any other ideas?




Earl McCutcheon
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
January 23, 2020

Hi @nph ,

Sorry for the delayed reply, but looking at this the menue options for the applications should be using the same base URL as the main application, so navigating through Jira should have the same behavior as navigating through installed apps. 

I am wondering if there is something in your DNS or Proxy settings doing a URL redirect based on the full application menu URL options, possibly a load balancer that is sending some of the requests to the new server and some to the old one.  I would recomend reaching out to your network team to see if they can check out the settings and see if there are any redirects set up for the Jira Server.

Also something you could do to verify nothing is copying over URL wise in the restore is that you could take a site backup of the site, extract the zip and check the entities.xml file for any mention of the old URL.  If you find anything you could do a manual search and replace of all URL elements in the file, and then re-import to scrub out any occurrence of the old url with the new one.

To do this you could use the following format on a linux/unix based OS:

sed -r -e 's/oldvalue/newvalue/g' <export-file-name>

So as an EXE if you wanted to change the base url from "" to "" You would make a backup and extract the zip file it contains Two files, entities.xml and activeobjects.xml, you would use the following command to update the entities.xml where the data portion lives, and the active objects is the database mappings, no update to the second file:

sed -r -e 's/' entities.xml

Once the date is updated you re zip the two files, and use the new zip to restore the site.


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