Assigned team member overriding/overridden

Karalee Kikiros
November 1, 2017

When I'm manually assigning a member in portfolio to a ticket, how can I stop it auto-assigning the tickets related to it to the same person, even if there is someone already allocated? e.g. task member assigned in portfolio, member assigned to epic is overridden and vice versa

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Atlassian Team
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November 9, 2017

Hi @Karalee Kikiros,

The members field in Portfolio represents the list of team members contributing to an issue and is not meant to represent the Jira assignee field.

You could consider disabling the "Commit issue assignee" option under the "Commit of changes" menu in the Plan configuration to avoid changing the assignee in Jira when changing the Portfolio members field.


The Portfolio for Jira Team

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