I'm reading through the JQL documentation for "was" and "changed" (https://support.atlassian.com/jira-work-management/docs/advanced-search-reference-jql-operators/#A...
I'm trying return issues by this filter: issuetype = pbi and cf[17925] > 0 I have an issue with issuetype "pbi" and cf[17925] = 2.0 but it don't return in this query. Do you kn...
...ssue 3: A, C, E If I select B, C, D in the filter it uses the operator "OR" and shows me issues 1, 2 & 3 since every issue possesses at least one of those labels. However I would like to only get i...
Hi All, I'm writing a small plugin, and i've used TextCFType. When I'm searching for the values in JQL, i can use the = operator, but when trying the ~ operator I'm getting the The operator...
...articular fieldA and set a range say 10 to 80. This should show me all the tasks that have value in fieldA that falls between that range. I have tried numeric field but it does not support the operator...
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